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KNOW Poverty: 2020 Annual Report

KNOW Poverty: 2020 Annual Report

KNOW Poverty 2020 Annual Report What a difference a year makes! This annual report is one for the books, reflecting incredible hardships matched with equally headstrong generosity and perseverance. The year of 2020 reminded us that our agencies, businesses, and people...
Research Spotlight: Employment Pathway

Research Spotlight: Employment Pathway

The Need for an Employment Pathway Have you ever been unemployed? Or stuck in a job that was underpaid or not the right fit for you? How did you overcome those challenges? You likely searched for other opportunities, edited your resume, and reached out to people in...
Introducing: The Pathways

Introducing: The Pathways

Where We Started Five years ago, we launched our Out of Poverty Campaign. This campaign included an effort to link our clients’ journeys with measurable outcomes of success. To do this, we created an initial definition of four key metrics – mostly financial – that we...
Research Spotlight: Humans Over Process

Research Spotlight: Humans Over Process

[vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Humans Over Process” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”] In our work, we talk a lot about human-centered design, which hinges on our ability to...