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Financial Resiliency

Shaniece’s Story

Shaniece is a single mother of a 14-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter.

In recent years, Shaniece has struggled to maintain stable employment, moving from job to job through a temp service. In 2018, Shaniece had a stable job, but lost it when the company was bought. This is when she reached out to CCFW for assistance.

After receiving rent/utility assistance, Shaniece began CCFW long-term case management. Her goals included completing her associate degree and no longer living paycheck to paycheck.

From good morning texts to coordinating financial assistance, Shaniece’s case manager Nikki was there for her in every way. Together, they worked on Shaniece’s credit and financial goals, as well as housing stability.

“Nikki is so awesome. She never gave up on me. She always kept me motivated.”

Shaniece was briefly homeless in 2022. When she moved into an apartment, she was making just enough to pay rent. CCFW helped with rent while Shaniece looked for another apartment. In the process, Shaniece lost her job and was evicted.

“Nikki is so awesome. She never gave up on me. She always kept me motivated.”

Nikki wouldn’t let her give up. She went with Shaniece to her eviction court date, found enough financial assistance to cover the $800 deposit on a new apartment, and met Shaniece at the complex to sign the paperwork. Nikki was even there when Shaniece and her kids saw their new home for the first time.
Now, Shaniece has stable employment, stable housing, and a hopeful future. She aims to channel her passion for helping others into social work, specifically helping kids struggling in school.

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