Amber*, a resilient 33-year-old single mother of four, faced seemingly insurmountable challenges after her husband was deported during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cleaning houses for a living, Amber struggled to make ends meet and felt trapped in a cycle of financial instability. Renting from a family friend provided some leniency with overdue rent, but Amber knew this couldn’t be a permanent solution. She dreamed of a better future for herself and her children, but lacked the resources and support to make it a reality.
In March 2023, Amber reached out to St. Andrew Catholic Church for help with overdue rent and utilities after an ice storm. Thanks to a partnership between Catholic Charities Fort Worth (CCFW) and St. Andrew, Amber enrolled in CCFW’s Working Family Services program. With only a high school diploma and a sporadic job history, Amber’s prospects were limited. She sought financial management skills and a pathway to a more stable career, but she didn’t know where to start.
Despite inheriting $50,000 in a special needs trust, Stevie’s extended family mismanaged nearly half of it while serving as his temporary guardians. He was then kicked out and left homeless. By 2021, nearly half of the trust was depleted.
In 2023, Stevie attended a community dinner and was connected to Catholic Charities Fort Worth (CCFW). CCFW immediately stepped in to provide the empathy and support Stevie desperately needed. Initially, they helped him manage his utilities while he lived in government-subsidized apartments.
From the onset, it was clear that childcare was a critical barrier to Amber’s progress. With two young children not yet of school age, finding a job was nearly impossible. Amber was hesitant about daycare, particularly because her youngest son had severe autism. However, CCFW helped her secure Child Care Management Services, ensuring her children were in safe hands while she began job searching.
Amber’s primary goal was to find a job within the school system to align her work hours with her children’s school schedule. With the help of CCFW, she eventually found a position as a teacher’s aide at an alternative school for children with autism. Though the pay was modest, Amber found immense satisfaction and purpose in her new role. She continued cleaning houses on weekends to supplement her income, but she felt she was becoming a better parent and more fulfilled individual.
In December of 2023, Amber’s four-year-old son contracted RSV and was hospitalized for two weeks. Amber stayed by his side, resulting in missed work and a critical setback when her car broke down. Despite these challenges, Amber managed to catch up on her bills without direct financial assistance from CCFW, demonstrating her incredible resilience and determination.
Amber’s journey with CCFW was marked by her proactive engagement with various services, including Career Development Services. A pivotal moment came when Amber’s job offered training to become a Registered Behavioral Technician (RBT), a position with less job security but more specialized work with children with behavioral needs. Though hesitant, Amber’s interest in the field led her to pursue the training, signaling her growing confidence and willingness to take calculated risks for her career.
Amber also aimed to improve her financial habits. When she started the program, her monthly income was around $3,112, which increased to $3,712 by the end of her participation. She managed to save more than $200, reflecting her progress in building a financial safety net for her family.
Amber’s initial uncertainty and dependence on others’ opinions gradually transformed into a confident, self-reliant approach to decision-making. She transitioned from constantly seeking advice to confidently pursuing her goals. CCFW’s client-led approach played a significant role in this transformation, providing Amber the time and space to explore what truly made her happy and fulfilled.
By the end of her journey with CCFW, Amber had achieved goals she once thought impossible. She secured childcare, found a fulfilling job within the school system, and caught up on her bills. Her newfound confidence left her contemplating what other seemingly impossible dreams could become reality. Amber’s story is a testament to the power of supportive services, self-determination, and the belief that with the right help, anyone can reach their dreams.
*Name changed to protect anonymity.