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Research Spotlight: How Exactly We “Evaluate”

Research Spotlight: How Exactly We “Evaluate”

We do a lot of work in “R&E,” a term used to define our work in Research and Evaluation. While we’ve spent some time talking about our research, it can be helpful to know what program evaluation looks like.  Evaluation takes the form of an ever-circling 6-part...
Research Spotlight: On Getting Feedback from Those Who Left

Research Spotlight: On Getting Feedback from Those Who Left

The heart of our work is long-term interventions, so keeping clients engaged enhances the effectiveness of our interventions. So when we started noticing students leaving our Stay the Course program after the winter break, we began asking “why?” On the back end, we...
Research Spotlight: Fair Play in Data

Research Spotlight: Fair Play in Data

It’s no secret that societal injustice disproportionately impacts marginalized communities, perpetuating disparities and sustaining imbalances of power. But perhaps lesser-known is that the world of data is no exception. Systems of information collection are designed...
Research Spotlight: Anti-Poverty During COVID-19

Research Spotlight: Anti-Poverty During COVID-19

The Economy Exists for the Person They say the only constant is change. And so here we all are–separate and yet together–facing challenges, calamities, opportunities, and growth. What we do with what we have control over sheds light on our value systems, our inherent...
Research Spotlight: Humans Over Process

Research Spotlight: Humans Over Process

[vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Humans Over Process” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”] In our work, we talk a lot about human-centered design, which hinges on our ability to...