Our current system often revolves around alleviating the symptoms of poverty instead of actually addressing the causes of poverty. In her response to an invitation from the National Commission on...
Syrian Refugee Crisis
In recent days, we have seen reports about and pictures of thousands of refugees from the Middle East, primarily Syrians fleeing the conflict in their nation, fleeing into Europe in search of...
Ideas42 Visits CCFW!
Recently, research group Ideas42 visited our campus to discuss the application of their Poverty Interrupted work within our anti-poverty initiatives. Read "Poverty Interrupted" here!
Why Your Credit Score Controls Everything From Car Loans To Cable TV
Your credit score controls the obvious (things like mortgage eligibility) and the not so obvious (like whether you can upgrade your cable package.) Tony Milburn is on the board for Catholic...
Refugees in North Texas
Hundreds of refugees a year are resettled in North Texas. Refugees are people who have fled their home country and cannot return because of persecution, or a well-founded fear of persecution, on...